Multicompartmental analysis of POPs and PAHs in Concepciόn Bay, central Chile: Part II – Air-sea exchange during Austral summer
Air-sea exchange of POPs and PAHs was assessed in Concepción Bay during January, summer 2015. Results showed low levels, in air and water, for POPs (1–20 pg m−3, and 6–50 pg L−1, respectively) and for ΣPAHs (1–2 ng m−3 and 1–2 ng L−1, respectively). The highest levels were found for PBDEs (200–20,000 pg L−1) in the water samples (3-fold times higher than PCBs and OCP) and PBDE209 accounted for 90% of total ΣPBDEs. Air–sea exchange fluxes (ng m−2 d−1) were low in general, with exception of PBDEs showing values up to 40,000 ng m−2 d−1. Net deposition was found for PAHs, HCB and some PBDEs; while, BDE99, and BDE100 showed net volatilization. These findings contribute with new data of diffusive air-sea exchange on the southern hemisphere Pacific coast.