Category / publication
A protocol for wide-scope non-target analysis of contaminants in small amounts of biota using bead beating tissuelyser extraction and LC-HRMS
This work describes a robust and powerful method for wide-scope target and non-target analysis of xenobiotics in biota samples based on bead beating tissuelyser extraction, solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up and further detection by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS). Unlike target methodologies, non-target methods usually aim at determining a wide range…
Latitudinal patterns in the diet of Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) in Chile: Contrasting environments influencing feeding behavior
Human-dominated environments alter the availability and quality of resources for many species, especially for scavengers that have large home ranges and plastic foraging behaviors that enable them to exploit novel resources. Along the western slope of the Andes, the modification of natural landscapes have resulted in significant declines in native prey, the introduction of non-native species, and…
Sources and diffusive air–water exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an oligotrophic North–Patagonian lake
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are semivolatile organic compounds of environmental concern. This study aims to investigate the influence of local sources of anthropogenic PAHs and their air–water exchange fluxes in an oligotrophic North–Patagonian lake in Chile. The monitoring was carried out in Panguipulli Lake during a six-month period during the autumn and winter seasons (March…
Monitoring the occurrence of microplastic ingestion in Otariids along the Peruvian and Chilean coasts
Repeated reports of microplastic pollution in the marine pinniped diet have emerged in the last years. However, only few studies address the drivers of microplastics presence and the potential implications for monitoring microplastic pollution in the ocean. This study monitored their in the scats (N = 205) of four pinniped species/subspecies at five different locations in the…
Microplastic ingestion cause intestinal lesions in the intertidal fish Girella laevifrons
We exposed juvenile intertidal fish to different amounts of Poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) microplastics in their diet. We fed ten individuals with pellets containing 0.01 g, another ten fish with pellets containing 0.1 g of PS, and ten fish without plastic as control. After 45 days of treatment, the whole intestine was removed, and the histological evaluation started immediately. We evaluated…
Assessing the Impact of the Physical Environment on Comfort and Job Satisfaction in Offices
This paper develops a model that allows to analyze the physical parameters that determine the degree of environmental comfort of employees in offices. Parameters such as air quality, noise, thermal environment, and lighting are considered. This model was developed through the use of partial least squares structural equation models (PLS-SEM). Formative indicators (which cause the…